Vocational Training

Vocational Training Programmes

The Vocational training and Vocational guidence is treated as essential features of the correctional programmes and as such various training projects are in progress in J&K Jails for improving work habits, work skills, work performance, job intelligence and craftsmanship of inmates and thus equiping them for conditions of work in the outside labour market. At present the following trades are running in the Jails. This Department also intends to create new projects in the Vocational Centres such as:

Recently, Phenyl manufacturing unit has been established in Central Jail Kotbhalwal Jammu and the requirement of the Jails is being met out from its own production. Once there is an increase in production from Jail manufactory, the products will be supplied to other Govt. departments as per their requirement and on the rates fixed by the Govt.

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Jail Industries - Jail Manufacturing is a very laudably concept which not only engages the prisoners in various activities but also earns wages for them. The wages are divided into 3 equal parts - 1/3 wages to prisoners, 1/3 share to the Govt. and 1/3 contribution towards Victim Compensation Fund. The Victim Compensation Fund is meant for payment to victims of crime. For instance a rape victim or next of the kin of a murdered person can be suitably compensated out of this fund. A meeting between the compensated victim and the convict can go a long way in making lives of both more comfortable. The convict would have displayed his repentance and the victim his forgiveness. Some money under Victim Compensation Fund is available in District Jail Jammu. An effort is underway to identify victims in distress, so that they could be given some relief out of this fund.

Once there is increase in production from the Jail Manufacturing, it would be necessary to have permanent sale outlets for the products. The products are supplied to all Jails as per requirement and to other Govt. Departments more reasonable rates. The is one outlet in District jail, Jammu where sale of manufactured goods is made.


Jammu & Kashmir Prisons Department
Amphalla Jail Road, Jammu - J&K
Phone: +91-191-2561004
Fax: +91-191-2561008(CR)

Jammu & Kashmir Prisons Department
Phone: +91-194-245168 Fax/ Phone: +91-194-245166
E-mail: prison-jk@nic.in/
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